Bahamian Educators Learn How To Bring Sustainable Energy Lessons To The Classroom

August 26, 2013- The Ministry of Education in the Bahamas and the Organization of American States (OAS) through its Department of Sustainable Development conducted a two-day teacher workshop in Nassau on August 21-22, 2013 to teach educators the importance of teaching about renewable energy and energy conservation in order to enhance the current academic curriculum. The workshop also actively involved educators in the advocacy of cleaner and more sustainable energy development in the Bahamas. The attendees included primary and secondary school teachers from New Providence and the Family Islands.

The workshop provided educators with a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the science behind renewable energy and energy conservation. Participants gained the knowledge and confidence needed to effectively incorporate lessons about renewable energy and energy conservation sciences into classroom curricula. Teachers left the workshop not only having learned about current technologies and advances in science from experts in the field, but also with lessons, ideas and materials to use during hands-on instruction with students.

The workshop was led by KidWind instructor Keith Etheridge, who has taught thousands of teachers and students about wind energy and has facilitated teacher workshops on renewable energy and energy conservation sciences across the United States, as well as in the U.S. Virgin Islands. KidWind is an internationally recognized leader of clean energy education. Over the past seven years, KidWind has held hundreds of teacher workshops in more than 40 U.S. states, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

Technological developments and innovation, among other changes taking place in today’s world, have a powerful and immediate influence on the nature and function of educators. As a result, educators take on new roles, like the ability to mediate between students and the world around them by introducing them to new subjects like alternative energy and energy conservation. By introducing this material in an interactive manner, students will better appreciate the science behind the projects and hopefully become interested in alternative energy. 

The workshop, partially funded by the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) Caribbean Initiative, was implemented through the OAS’s pilot program, the Caribbean Energy Education and Awareness Programme (CEEAP) under the Caribbean Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) and in close collaboration with the KidWind Project.