Brookes Publishing To Give Away Free Books at Pathfinders Run Wild for Autism Event at the Maryland Zoo
Practical books will support Maryland families raising children with disabilities
BALTIMORE, MD – August 30, 2012 – Brookes Publishing, a family-owned Baltimore-based publishing company, is sponsoring the second annual Pathfinders Run Wild for Autism 5K race and Family Fun Run/Walk on Sunday, September 16th, 2012, at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.
At the event, Brookes will give away free books filled with practical help and advice for parents raising a child with autism or other disabilities. The books will be given away at the Brookes resource table from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Titles include:
- Special Children, Challenged Parents: The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child with a Disability, Revised Edition by Robert A. Naseef, Ph.D.
- Freedom from Meltdowns: Dr. Thompson's Solutions for Children with Autism by Travis Thompson, Ph.D.
- Dr. Thompson’s Straight Talk on Autism by Travis Thompson, Ph.D.
- A is for “All Aboard!” by Paula Kluth, Ph.D., and Victoria Kluth, illustrated by Brad Littlejohn
- Believe in My Child with Special Needs! Helping Children Achieve Their Potential in School by Mary A. Falvey, Ph.D.
- Sleep Better! A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs by V. Mark Durand, Ph.D.
In addition to the book giveaway, staff and friends of Brookes Publishing will assist with registration, distribute water and snacks during the race, and help with breakdown following the race.
The 5K race through the Maryland Zoo and Druid Hill Park will begin at 8:30 AM and the Fun Run/Walk through the Maryland Zoo will begin at 8:45 AM. Funds raised from the race and the walk will support the Pathfinders for Autism Resource Center, which offers free guidance to Maryland’s autism community and works to increase awareness of autism spectrum disorders. Registration fees are $25 for adults by September 12 and $30 on race day, and $15 for 13- to 17-year-olds by September 12 and $20 on race day. Children 12 and under participate for free.
On race day, individuals with autism and their immediate family/team members will also be offered access to the zoo free of charge. All other participants will receive reduced ticket prices. Zoo passes can be picked up during registration, which will take place from 7:00 AM – 8:15 AM outside the zoo’s main gate.
To register for the 5k Race or Family Fun Run/Walk or learn how you can volunteer, click here.
About Brookes Publishing
Brookes Publishing believes that all people deserve to reach their potential—and for more than 30 years, this Baltimore-based independent publisher has worked hard to help unlock that potential. Brookes is a leading provider of practical, research-backed professional resources on autism, disabilities, inclusion, education, mental health, and more. To ensure high-quality resources readers can trust, Brookes partners with some of today’s top experts, including Paula Kluth, Robert L. Koegel & Lynn Kern Koegel, Travis Thompson, Barry M. Prizant, and Amy M. Wetherby. For more information, please visit
About Pathfinders, Inc.
Pathfinders, Inc. was established as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in February 2000 by parents of children with autism, including Baltimore Orioles Hall of Famer William "B.J." Surhoff and his wife Polly Winde Surhoff. After 18 months of development, Pathfinders for Autism launched the Pathfinders for Autism Resource Center – offering knowledgeable staff and a searchable online database to help families in Maryland find critical service providers quickly and efficiently. Since then, Pathfinders for Autism has grown into the State's largest autism organization dedicated to helping individuals, parents, and professionals find resources, supports, and training while working to increase the awareness of autism spectrum disorders and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. To learn more about Pathfinders, Inc., visit