Chicago Public Schools Selects Curriculum Associates to Deliver Reading and Mathematics Assessments to Students in Grades K–2

Teachers throughout Illinois’ largest school district can use the online i-Ready® Assessment to help develop a data-driven system for early instruction and/or intervention   

NORTH BILLERICA, Mass., October 4, 2022—Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has selected Curriculum Associates as its reading and mathematics assessment provider for students in Grades K–2. Starting in the 2022–2023 school year, teachers throughout the district will be able to utilize the online i-Ready Assessment program to help develop a system for early instruction and intervention. This is part of the district’s goal to ensure students entering Grade 3 have the knowledge and skills to be successful and to ensure students are on track in every grade. 

“Strong early assessment tools provide educators the crucial information needed to help them accelerate students’ grade-level learning and provide targeted supports where needed,” said Bogdana Chkoumbova, chief education officer for CPS. “We are excited to implement the i-Ready program this year as we work to support our earliest learners and put them on a path toward academic success and a lifelong love of learning.”  

With i-Ready, teachers and administrators will have access to valid, reliable, and secure assessment data linked directly to instructional resources to be used specifically for the purpose of improving learning and enhancing student achievement. Curriculum Associates will additionally provide appropriate professional development to help teachers both administer the assessment and use the resulting data to drive instruction.

“i-Ready’s single, streamlined Screener/Diagnostic will save teachers time by reducing the number of assessments they need to conduct each year while helping them deliver data-driven, personalized instruction,” said Rob Waldron, CEO of Curriculum Associates. “We look forward to supporting CPS and teachers throughout the district with this important work as they help build the foundation needed for young students’ ongoing academic success.” 

Today, the award-winning i-Ready program serves more than 11 million students, as well as approximately one-third of all students in Grades K–8 in the United States and approximately 45 percent of students within the Council of the Great City Schools.

About i-Ready

i-Ready makes the promise of differentiated instruction a practical reality for Grades K–2 teachers and students. It combines powerful assessments and rich insights with effective and engaging instruction in reading and mathematics to address students' individual needs.

The i-Ready Screener/Diagnostic provides educators with actionable criterion-referenced and normative data to deliver impactful, equitable learning experiences. Teachers administer the Screener/Diagnostic at the beginning of the school year to chart a course for their instruction. A midyear and end-of-year administration of the assessment helps students and teachers measure growth and engage together in data chats. Teacher-led instruction continues throughout the year to help students address unfinished learning and access grade-level content.

All i-Ready district partners have ongoing access to Curriculum Associates' award-winning customer service. This includes dedicated support via the company's Customer Service team, professional development experts, Partner Success managers, sales representatives, and Technical Support team, as well as access to the free customer service portal.

To learn more about i-Ready, visit

About Curriculum Associates

Founded in 1969, Curriculum Associates, LLC designs research-based print and online instructional materials, screens and assessments, and data management tools. The company’s products and outstanding customer service provide teachers and administrators with the resources necessary for teaching diverse student populations and fostering learning for all students.
